Friday, April 17, 2009

One Day Without Shoes: April 16th

Earlier this week I received an email from the TOMS crew asking me to join in on One Day Without Shoes. I absolutely love the mission of TOMS and of course decided I was in!

Today (well technically yesterday now) I walked around with no shoes. I went to my church, to the dining hall, to classes, walked to Dairy Queen and worked in the office as an RA. I got yelled at, stared at, questioned, admired and laughed at!! The reactions were varied, but the experience was totally worth it.

This morning when people were asking me if I was mad to do it or if it bothered me, I told them I loved to be barefoot and I had the comfort of knowing that I had shoes waiting for me in my room at the end of the day. By the end of today though, my feet are dirtier than ever, bruised from stepping on rocks, raw and extremely sore. I can't imagine what those children go through everyday without shoes on their feet.

Did you know that children in developing countries catch diseases through their bare feet being on the ground constantly? Did you know that these are 100% avoidable?

Did you know that in many countries children don't have shoes, their families can't afford them. If they are barefoot, many of them are not allowed to attend school. If they don't attend school, they remain uneducated and in turn, the poverty cycle continues.

Visit the TOMS website: and find out how you can help. Buy a pair of TOMS and they will donate a pair to a child in need- One for One! They make great gifts for birthdays, holidays or just because.

We have the power to change, so let's do it.