Friday, October 30, 2009


As a man walked a desolate beach one cold, gray morning he began to see another figure, far in the distance. Slowly the two approached each other, and he could make out a local native who kept leaning down, picking something up and throwing it out into the water. Time and again he hurled things into the ocean.

As the distance between them continued to narrow, the man could see that the native was picking up starfish that had been washed upon the beach and, one at a time, was throwing them back into the water.

Puzzled, the man approached the native and asked what he was doing. "I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, it's low tide right now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I don't throw back into the sea, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen."

"But there must be thousands or starfish on this beach," the man replied. "You can't possibly get to all of them. There are just too many. And this same thing is probably happening on hundreds of beaches up and down this coast. Can't you see that you can't possibly make a difference?"

The local native smiled, bent down and picked up another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea he replied, "Made a difference to that one!"

Each of us is but one person: limited, burdened with our own cares and responsibilities. We may feel there is so much to be done, and we have to little to give. We're usually short of everything, especially time and money. When we leave this shore, there will still be millions of starfish stranded on the beach. Maybe we can't change the whole world, but there isn't one of us who can't help change one person's whole world. One at a time. We DO make a difference.

~author unknown

Chat-a-Chini 3

Q: What is the most important lesson you have learned?

A: In all of my life, I have learned so many lessons that I hold close to my heart and with great importance. I have learned some lessons by watching other people make mistakes but the majority of my lessons learned have happened only after I have fallen on my face.

After I let God into my life and my heart, I saw Him working in me and teaching me things daily. The most important lesson He has taught me thus far (and I don't think it will always remain the most important) is that of self-respect. I look around at so many people who seem to lack a lot of self-respect and it makes my heart truly sad. I have been in this position and know how hurtful it is to oneself and others and each day I am grateful that I have learned this lesson.

What lessons have you learned that are high on your importance list?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chat-a-Chini 2

Q: What is the purpose of life?

A: Some say that the purpose of life is to live a happy and fulfilling life. I used to buy into this idea but after many years of searching and wondering what my purpose was, I was saved by grace. Along with this, I was shown that our purpose as children of God is to serve Him. This looks differently for each of us so I can't speak on behalf of everyone with specifics. As for myself, I am still seeking what my purpose is. For now, I know that I am called to loved others and love God and I have been shown many ways to do that. I really have a heart for children, global missions and for individuals who are incarcerated, struggle with addiction, etc. As time goes on, I'm sure I will be shown my purpose more clearly :)

What do you think your purpose is?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chat-a-Chini 1

Q: What do you think the most important idea of this century/all time is?

I think that the idea of genuinely loving others and allowing others and God to genuinely love us is the most important idea, both of this century and all time. Unfortunately, if this is just an idea, it won't necessarily be put into practice which I think is the current state of all people. We all fall on different parts of the continuum, and each of us has room to improve.

How would you answer this question?


Chat-a-Chini is a really great game that I have never seen in stores, but am told that it is there. Joanna introduced it to the staff last year and we used to play at the end of each staff meeting. I have since gotten a copy of the "game" and play it as much as possible!

It is a bunch of pieces of paper each with a question on it. You pick the question- you answer it! Pretty easy. The questions range from "Do you believe there is intelligent life in outer space" to "What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast" to "What is the greatest lesson you have ever learned" and "What is your concept of God". I have decided that I want to start a "Chat-a-Chini series" on my blog. My ABCs of God's Goodness will be finished soon and I like the idea of having something constant.

So, somedays they will be silly questions that take me one word or sentence to answer. Other days, I may have longer more in depth answers :) I hope you enjoy and let me know if you want to get together and play sometime!

The ABCs of God's Goodness: X

This one is compliments of Steve :)

God is X.

Referring to a variable which can represent anything, at any time, whenever it needs to. God can take the shape and form of whatever beauty or grace he needs to, in any equation in life. God is the divine variable of life :-)

He is also a constant though... figure that one out.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I want to share today's "Everyday Blessing" from a book that I read daily.

October 20

"God, examine me and know my heart... lead me on the road to everlasting life." Psalm 139: 23-24

You don't have to be like the world to have an impact on the world. You don't have to be like the crowd to change the crowd. You don't have to lower yourself down to their level to lift them up to your level. Holiness doesn't seek to be odd. Holiness seeks to be like God.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The ABCs of God's Goodness: W

Our God is willing!

Last night during the sermon, Vince brought up a great truth. God didn't create us out of necessity.. He did it because he wanted to. He did so willingly. He doesn't forgive us, deliver us from temptation, redeem us or love us because He has to... He wants to! He delights in us and is forever a willing God.

PS. Letter X is next. What on earth might I use for that? Please leave ideas!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The ABCs of God's Goodness: V

Disclaimer: My apologies for not posting on this series in a long time! I was very stumped with the letter v. I have finally come up with something though!

God is vast. (This wording may be a stretch but I think you will get my point) defines vast as "of very great area or extent; immense: the vast reaches of outer space"

The definiton doesn't strike me as much as the example does. Outer space reaches further than we can wrap our minds around. And then to imagine that God holds all of outer space and then some. And oh yes, let us not forget He also created it...

Monday, October 12, 2009

bring it to Jesus

In the past, I have allowed myself to feel very burdened by other people's anguishes, doubts, insecurities, hopelessness, sadness, etc. I have often times tried to carry people on my back through their troubles. I would say things to myself like "Well Chels, if you don't help them, who will?". Some people had me believing that they would be lost without me.

This feeling was very evident in my relationship with my father. He and I have a very long and complicated past, but once God gave me the strength to forgive my dad and move forward with a relationship, I felt that it was up to me to fix his problems, that it was up to me to be there for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There have been several other people in the past couple of years I have felt this way about.

Within the past few months, however, I have run to the end of my rope and realized that I myself can't fix anyone issues, hurts, pasts, etc. Sure, I can be a helpful friend, a great resource, listening ears and two arms to collapse in, but I can't be it all.

I know in my head and have since shortly after becoming a Christian, that I need to bring everything to Jesus. Not until just recently, though, did I truly believe in my heart that this is the only way. And even though I believe that, I am not always the best at doing it.

This world is too broken, too confusing, too ugly and too complicated for you or me to decipher or repair. It is full of deceit, evil, good but lost intentions and beaten and battered people. The good news.. no-- the amazing, reassuring, comforting, awesome, all encompassing news-- is that none of it is too much for Jesus.

When we feel bogged down by others, (and certainly by ourselves) we need to lay them at the foot of the cross. Express our frustrations and loss for words and actions to God. Ask Him how we can serve the people who are hurting, but remember that we are limited. Pray for those who are hurt, confused and lost and remind yourself that sometimes, that is all you can do.

What would your day to day life look like if you brought "it" to Jesus rather than carrying it on your back?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.