Monday, September 28, 2009

lookin for a slow down

rush rush rush rush

are you tired? this was the question vince asked to begin last night's sermon.

am i tired?! boy-- am i! physically, mentally, and definitely spiritually. and to think that it is normal. to think that all i need to do is "get through" another day. what way is that to live? i want to go through each day in constant dialogue with my God. with the One who watches over and is in control of my day. the One who is waiting, wishing and hoping that with each moment i will turn to Him for His guidance, love and wisdom.

vince went on to talk about next steps pertaining to slowing down our lives so that we stop experiencing soul fatigue. the first was "just say no".

this is not something that i have ever been great at, but i am getting better. since last year there are several things that i have cut out of my schedule and stepped down from because it just kept me too busy. and just when i thought i had a good schedule figured out with a lot of down time, i was wrong again. somehow, this semester has started off and is just as busy and rushed as the previous one. so, i am forced to practice saying no and although a lot of times i may feel guilty, it feels good to be in control of the things i am a part of, to be able to contribute my heart and my energy to them.

but even as i write this blog, (as im sure you can tell) im feeling rushed. i have a whole list of things to do tonight before i lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes. so i rush through typing this. but, i am a firm believer that saying things out loud and readmitting them to myself helps me to move forward and learn and grow.

so, my next step that goes along with just saying no is prayerfully considering those things that i say yes to. and furthermore, no matter how busy or rushed my days gets, to slow down and remember God. to reflect on His promises and all that He has done for me. and most of all- to bask in each moment and be thankful that He stands there right beside me.