Friday, January 25, 2008

[God] Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I am extremely familar with this saying after attending many AA meetings with my father while I was a younger girl, but as time passes I find more and more meaning in it and can connect it with everyday life.

Now, I think most people can agree on the fact that no one person in this world can solve world hunger, poverty, or find a cure for AIDS or cancer on their own, but I think that we often look past the possibility of contributing a little bit of our time to work towards making a big difference.

Perhaps we should look inside ourselves and just be a little more aggressive and courageous when it comes to helping others. Whether it is a friend in need, a peer who needs help in class, a family member, an elderly person crossing the street or a complete stranger who could use a smile and a simple "hello". Start small, you will be surprised to find that when your small efforts pay off, you are suddenly inclined to do more.

I have accepted the things in my life that I have tried to change, but just can't seem to. I have also assessed the things that are important for me to try to change in the future. Lately, most of these things have had to do with others and not with myself. I am very happy at where I am in my life and now more than ever, I am looking at what I can do to help others.

So, yet again, the verse that once had a very different meaning to me, has changed to mean something completely different to me.

And that, my friends, is the beauty of written words.