Friday, March 13, 2009

a changing heart..

I logged into my online banking account today. I balanced my checkbook and paid off my credit card bill. I almost clicked the X on the top right corner of my computer when for some reason, I was left staring at my account overview page. For the first time in my life, I had money in both my checking and savings and it wasn't already budgeted to something.

Now don't get me wrong, I have college loans that need to be paid off, but other than that I am debt free. I began to rattle off reasons in my mind of how I had accumulated this money:

"Well I have been working to save more"
"I'm babysitting more this year than last year"
"I have been fundraising for my mission trips so it's not all money I've made"

So on and so forth.. I then realized that there is just no explanation that points to my habits as the source for what I have. Before beginning my walk with Christ, I was obviously not tithing. I wasn't sponsoring children through Compassion or the FACT program. I wasn't out buying baby clothes and food for soup kitchens every week. Instead, I was spending money on clothes or dinners out. I do not have exact numbers to compare as far as my spending goes between these two categories, but it just amazed me that I have as much money as I do.

God has blessed me abundantly. He has called me to tithe, to give give give and become excellent at being generous. If it weren't for Him, I wouldn't have the will to give and to save and use my money appropriately. I wouldn't have been given chances to travel abroad to love His people. I wouldn't have been blessed with people in my life who support me in these great adventures. it is all because of Him that I have what I do.

I am working to become a better follower by stewarding my money better. I want to spend my money not on things of this world, but on things of eternity. I want to invest in Heaven by investing in God's people.

I am going to need to some help being held accountable so I am inviting each and every one of you who reads this to do so. After these 40 Days, I truly believe that WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER.


Anonymous said...

this is very encouraging. i hope my bank account behaves that way too as i continue to improve on financial decisions :-) in the meantime, im always by your side.