Monday, March 9, 2009

something's gotta change

Superwoman has got to go.

Since my first year at school I have taken on many diferent roles both on and off campus that have filled my days with meetings, events, classes, etc. I learned which things I loved and had a passion for and which I would need to leave behind. I make a few people angry with some of my decisions and others very happy with them.

Right now I am completely overwhelmed. I have reached the point where I can't take on another meeting or class or event in my week. I need to re-evaluate the organizations I am a part of on campus and where my time is being spent. God gave us all 24 hours a day.. how many of those am I spending glorifying Him?

When I am trying to squeeze in time to read the bible and meditate on His word and when I am rambling through a list of prayers before bed, I am not being a good steward of the time I have been given. I want to be able to pick up my bible when I feel the urge to during the day, rather than just between 3 and 330 because that's the only time I'm in my room in a day.

Something has got to change. God is calling me to slow things down and has shown me this through tiring me out. This is going to be a very different thing for me, as I am used to the fast paced, busy, yet rewarding life.

But I need people to help hold me accountable. I need to working toward the ultimate reward.


Anonymous said...

I will do my best to help you balance things out. It's important to understand the power of relaxation and how your spirit needs ample time to recharge, just like our mind and body. Take your time :-)