Monday, March 2, 2009

He'd wrestle on the floor with your kids.

Not too long ago, Steve bought me a book by Max Lucado titled Everyday Blessings. I have enjoyed looking to this little book each day for a new verse and short but sweet explanation and/or application. This specific blessing had me laughing and simply filled with joy.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14

Jesus was touchable, approachable, reachable.... He was the kind of guy you would invite to watch the Rams-Giants at your house. He'd wrestle on the floor with your kids, doze off on your couch and cook steaks on your grill. He'd laugh at your jokes and tell a few of His own. And when you spoke, He'd liksten to you like He had all the time in eternity. And one thing's for sure, you would invite him back.

How cute!! Such a fun way to remind us of a truth-- that Jesus lived among the people. He did the same things they did, lived in true community with them.



Keri Joelle said...

I never thought of what it would be like to have Jesus live among the people.Great insight,Chelsea=)!

Keri Joelle