Monday, November 9, 2009

The ABCs of God's Goodness: Z

You guessed it: zealous.

Not only is this about the only z word I could think of, but it is so frequently used in describing our God.

To be zealous is to be full of zeal, to have an eagerness towards a person, a dedication to them and to be filled with desire when they come to mind. And who fits this desciption better than God? Nobody!! All to often we don't want to admit to ourselves that God loves us and is zealous towards us because we are ashamed of our actions and sins. But every second of every day God is shouting to us simply by existing that He is so eager for us to know Him, that He is dedicated beyond any measure to His people and that He desires to shape our hearts.

Our God is a zealous God indeed.

And wow!! That completes the ABCs of God's Goodness. Thank you for sticking around from A-Z. It took quite awhile. This has been a great way for me to remind myself just how good God is and to renew His promises in my heart. I hope that it has been a blessing to you as well.