Sunday, December 13, 2009

the posture of worship

Tonight at SPCC, I was reminded about what worship truly is. Corporate worship has always been my favorite part of a service, the place where I encounter God most. This is still true today, but I was reminded that this is not all worship is.

Worship is a posture. It is being willing to lay face down in front of God. A time where we give and it is about God rather than a time where we get and it is about us.

I can't tell you how many times I have left a service and said "It's too bad, I didn't get much out of worship tonight." This is not the way that it should be. And furthermore, worship is something I need to do everyday. The way I live my life should be a form of worship to God. I have not thought about it in this way in quite some time. It was very sobering, hearing the message tonight. A great reminder this Advent season to bow down before our Creator and just simply be with Him.

After all, that is what He wants. Just to spend time with His children. To hold us and to love us.. but we somehow manage to count this as a waste of time or just another thing on our list.

Will anyone join me this Advent season in working towards better worship posture?


Unknown said...

I like the story of Bartimaeus, who being a blind beggar, had the posture of his hands out most of the time. I liked your blog and it is a great reminder that worship is not music, but our heart's response to God's presence. Thanks!