Saturday, March 1, 2008

"We are Catalysts"

catalysts: 1. a substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process

2. one that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences

Definition number one clearly refers to catalyst in the chemistry world while the second defintion pertains to people; individuals, groups, organizations, etc.

After reading them both and thinking it through, I will use the chemistry definition, yet talk in terms of people as catalysts.

Substance=those who are compassionate and caring for the human race as a whole.
Reactants=the situations and people in need of this compassion, love and care.
Reaction=positive change, big or small.

The last part of this definition is where it gets tricky to define. "without being consumed in the process"... what does consumed mean? Isn't it okay for the "substances" to change as well as long as they produce the desired outcome? Of course it is. In order to get the desired chemical reaction, each element must be combined in a very specific, almost perfect way.

This means that in order for a person to go out into the world, into a difficult situation, they always need to be equipped with unconditional love. When unconditional love is mixed with any other element, there is nothing but good that can come out of it.

One part of this definition first appeared as unfortunate to me: when applied to people, catalysts typically include a small amount of the substance to transform the other element. After going over the definition again and again, I realized that it is actually beautiful that it only takes a small amount of the substance. This means that if people can reach inside and just try to extend a small amount of love to others, the transformation can be complete.

The issue is: there needs to be many. Many people who are willing to try and give a bit of themselves and leave a bit of selfishness behind to serve.

We are all capable of being catalysts. We are all capable of going out into the world, whether it is right outside your door, down the street, across town or around the world. Not only should we go out into this beautiful world that has been laid out before us, we should go out ready to spread love, to make positive change and to better ourselves but never become "consumed" or completely taken over by any other element.

Unconditional love.
Never ending care.
Everlasting FAITH.

So let us all get out there. Live and love.
Let us all work hard to become catalysts, and be proud of doing so.