Monday, February 11, 2008

With you by my side.

"With everything ahead of us
We left everything behind
But nothing that we needed
At least not at this time
And now the feeling that I'm feeling
Well it's feeling like my life is finally mine
With nothing to go back to we just continue to drive
Without you I was broken
But I'd rather be broke down with you by my side
I didn't know what I was looking for
So I didn't know what I'd find
I didn't know what I was missing
I guess you've been just a little too kind" -Broken, Jack Johnson

So, if you read my "What is my next step" post or have been in contact with me in the past month or so, you know that I have decided to give church and all it has to offer a chance to become apart of my life.

I was very skeptical at first, and many of those close to me were as well, but I grow less and less skeptical each time I leave St. Paul's with Ben or Vince's message in my mind. The way they tell the stories and relate them to everyday life really helps me to understand their words and what they are trying to get across.

I am still not sure how God and Jesus fit into my life exactly, but I have opened myself up to the gift that is often spoke of at St. Paul's. The gift of unconditional love, which is so important and absolutely necessary.

The lyrics I posted above are very much how I feel lately, especially the part about "well it's feeling like this life is finally mine." There is no doubt that I have always had an idea about what I want to do with my life, but I was maybe just too set in one mind frame. This year, and even more so this semester, I have opened many doors for myself and with the help of others that I can step into at any time. Through building relationships and strong network connections that I am able to do what I love everyday; serve others.

What has given me this power? I am not exactly sure but believe that it is a combination of my wonderful friends, encouraging mother and sister, the network of people that I am associated with at Eastern, and the fact that I have opened myself up to an unconditional love.

So yes, although I may have had it together before, I was somewhat broken but now with all of the amazing people and the grace around me, I know that I will always be made whole again.