Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Year in Preview"

At the beginning of each school year, I am emailed a copy of Housing's "Year in Preview" that is sent to all of the RAs. It is just that-- an overview of the deadlines and important dates of the year. Dates when residents move in and when we have training and when forms need to be handed in along with when we must perform room inspections and go to in-service workshops and when exams begin and move out dates and so on and so forth. All of that in one neat little PDF file like it is no big deal.

In a way, it really does describe the way a year goes-- it is here and gone before we know it. On the contrary, it is the exact opposite of what I feel sometimes.. that there is so much packed into each one those days! Classes, babysitting, meetings, duty, studying, programming, gyming, playing with friends.. just so much to look forward to! I can remember times when I layed down last year at the end of the day and just didn't want to sleep because I could get more done if I stayed up. Other nights I just couldn't fall asleep because I was so excited about what was to come, and of course there were nights where I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow. But yet they all seem so trivial when lined up one after another with a designation next to each.

Looking at this year in review all planned out and clear cut on this form makes me less nervous about it all and encouraged to wake up and give each and everyday my all. To make them not just dates on a sheet of paper but changes in the lives of others as well as my own, and mistakes learned from and advances in my degree and my leadership... to make them count.

Anyone else psyched for this school year to begin?