Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I want to share today's "Everyday Blessing" from a book that I read daily.

October 20

"God, examine me and know my heart... lead me on the road to everlasting life." Psalm 139: 23-24

You don't have to be like the world to have an impact on the world. You don't have to be like the crowd to change the crowd. You don't have to lower yourself down to their level to lift them up to your level. Holiness doesn't seek to be odd. Holiness seeks to be like God.


Anonymous said...

So I remember doing an activity one day with Joanna that I feel goes along with God's blessing today and I thought I would share it. :)

One person stands on a chair. Another person stands in front of them on the floor. The person on the chair grabs onto the arm of the person standing and trys to bring them up to the chair. It's difficult.
Then you switch. The person on the floor grabs the arm of the person on the chair and trys to pull them down. Much easier.

It is easy to fall or let someone bring you down to their level.

Now switch again where the person on the chair is pulling the person on the floor up to their level. Try harder. Really work hard to get them up to your level. I promise you, It's possible. Just like all things are possible with God.

Make the effort to bring them up and you will.

Love you babe. :)


ChelseaDenise said...

mariana- i love that little activity and it is so true. one of the many things i have learned from Joanna. thank you for the comment! i had no idea that you even read my blog. it means a ton :)
i love you!