Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What if.

"What if I climbed that mountain, what if I swam to that shore
What if every battle was victorious then would you love me more, would you love me more
What if I were everyone’s first choice, what if I went farther than before
What if I stood high above the rest than would you love me more , would you love me more"

The above lyrics are from the song "What If" by Jadon Lavik. I came across this song while listening to "95.5 The Fish" online. The first words "what if" flooded my mind and brought a smile to my face. It has become somewhat of a theme for my thoughts over the past month or so. As you can see, if you scroll down a bit on my blog page- there are a list of "what ifs". I have also posted about a few of them over the past few weeks, journaled a lot about it and been praying that I can see God in a new way each day that I implement a new "what if".

This song, however, takes a different look at the power of "what if". Instead of using it as a phrase to suggest endless possibilities for change, it is used to discuss the limits of God's love. The trick- there are no limits to His love. If we climbed every mountain, swam to every shore, won every battle, etc.-- God would not love us more. Why? Because he can't. He already loves us with all that He can. It is an unconditional love greater than any other. A love that I am so thankful, every single day to be covered in.
The lyrics go on to say:

"What if I ignored the hand that fed me, what if I forgot to confess
What if I stumbled down that mountain then would you love me less, Lord would you love me less
What if I were everyones last choice what if I mixed in with the rest
What if I failed what I passed before then would you love me less, Lord would you would you love me less"

Again, "what if" is used to show that, no matter what the circumstance, the Lord will not love you less. Yes, we are all sinners, none of us are even close to perfect, but when we live by His law, when we love ourselves and one another, He loves us. We are going to fail, time and time again, but we are still supported by His love.

What if we all opened our eyes, tuned our ears and surrendered our hearts to this love? Would there be any limits?

What if...


Nathan said...

Dude....totally awesome. This is the pint that we've all missed. There are no limits to what God can do, and when we realize that...some crazy stuff is going to happen. ;-) you rock chels