Sunday, February 15, 2009

celebrating next steps

In class 401 Ben made a great point-- one that I knew was true but can, and do sometimes forget. It is not we who save lives. God does. He chooses to use us to help, but it is Him.

Related to this, Ben reminded us to celebrate next steps-- no matter how small.

There are so many people in my life who I have seen take next steps, even though they may seem so tiny. They have all been extremely encouraging to me and it's believe that some of these things have happened! God is working in amazing ways.

Just last night.. Steve and I went to dinner for Valentine's Day and then had plans to go bowling. On the way out of Bertucci's, he asked if we could go to Barnes and Noble "for a few". We ended up in the store for close to an hour just browsing the backs of books-- in the Christian section. Steve had found a book in the SPCC library that he was able to read a bit of and wanted to buy his own copy.

After shopping we decided against bowling and went home to read instead! We read the daily devotionals together and prayed.

For some people this may seem lame and like no big deal-- after all- isn't this what we are called to do in relationship? YES! It is!! That is why I am so excited to celebrate these next steps.

My sister, my best friend Delia, my friend Sue and my mom have also all shown next steps in faithfulness and I have never had a happier heart.

God is good.


Jromamma said...

Love it - Valentine's Day is not the only day you can show love - I got a big Box of Sour Patch kids and no card - my night was spent with friends and my children! You are blessed and I know that my next steps are bigger and bigger each day - thanks to SPCC and You too! Cause you have touch my life - and you did not even know it!

Marisa said...

AHHHH!! This is definitely something to be celebrated sister!! It makes me want to get up out of my seat and jump around and celebrate to see how God is working through you and SPCC!

It also is a great next step for you to be reminded of how God works!

Love ya!