Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 20- Better Together

"we're chosen to fellowship together by being patient with one another"

I will say that by God's great and never ending grace, I have learned a lot in the patience department. Being impatient may have been one of the worst characteristics of me my entire life. I remember stories my mom told me about how I couldn't wait for anything and would get such an attitude when I couldn't have what I wanted, when I wanted. The attitude part seemed to get worse with age. Then after about 16, I passed through the attitude phase but still quite the impatience problem.

I, as well as family and friends have noticed a huge difference in the level of patience I have with people. I thank God for showing me what it means to love through being patient. Of course I still have a lot of growing to do in this area, but I am so thankful for the growth so far.

By learning about the patience Jesus had for all of the people he came in contact with and by thinking about how patient God is with each and every one of us-- I can only strive to reach that kind of love!

God has placed people and caused certain things to happen within the last year that I have shown me what it means to love through patience and I am grateful for His mysterious workings and for those people and circumstances.

Let us all try and love like Jesus by being more patient today than we were yesterday.


Anonymous said...

my patience on the road isn't so good :-( but I'm tryingg haha nice post love