Sunday, February 22, 2009

day 13- better together!

Last week Steve and I were reading the daily devotional together. I was reading out loud and had forgotten to grab my pen before we got comfy to read. "He calls us to be action figures, but he never wants us so busy saving the world that we ignore the interruptions of those in need." I jumped up and got my pen. These were words that needed to be noted, needed to be read over and over and prayed about.

As a college student I find myself the head of a student organization, an RA, head of a small group, active member of SPCC, in classes of course, peer mentoring and the list goes on and on. Often times I am asked why I am so busy and why I don't give something up. The answer is always the same-- I love all of the things that I do and each has taught me so much. I have managed to balance my time so that I can give enough to each and not get burnt out.

BUT.. do I always allow myself to stop and embrace those little "interruptions"? Probably not. Since reading those words, I have been praying that God would help me to be sensitive to these moments and to sacrifice the few minutes of down time between classes or walking into class a minute late. Neither of these things are going to wear me out.. not when I am led by the Spirit.

This past week I have found myself stopping to talk to people on the way to class instead of rushing by and saying I'm almost late. I stay on the phone a few extra minutes and realize that 2 minutes less of sleep isn't going to be the end of the world. The personal relationships and the help that I can offer someone is what is going to make the difference. It doesn't matter how many extra curricular activities in involved in or how my resume looks.

So, I will continue to be involved in the things that God is blessing each and everyday. I will work within those venues, and outside of them of course- to keep my heart open to the promptings of the Spirit. I will invest in people and reach out my hand when necessary and keep praying for the help and the patience I will need to do so.

We are called to be action figures, but behind the scene fights with spiritual weapons will certainly do the trick :)