Monday, February 2, 2009

He is RELEVANT daily

For Christmas, I received many great gifts that were cost conscious, where the money went to great causes and a few gifts were actually recycled! One of them was an issue of Relevant magazine (thanks Brit!) which I sadly just opened today.

I had no idea that it was a Christian magazine but quickly learned it was as page after page was full of worship music ideas, great Christmas gift tips, stories of people coming to Christ.. what I also quickly found was that this magazine seems to be genuine. It speaks the truth that we are all simply human and we have growing to do as we mess up and live our lives.

One inspiring and touching part that I read comes from an article caled PURSUING PERSONAL REVIVAL. The author says this:

"Recently, two of my sons decided it would be a good idea to pour a two-liter bottle of soda into a putcher and leave it on the counter for easy access. Little did they know that from the moment they poured it, it began to lose its fizz. Later, they discovered that a fresh, invigorating drink has becomg a sickly sweet (but flat) experience.

In Exodus 16, God pledges to rain down fresh brea-manna- on His people as they wandered in the desert. His only caveat was this:Don't try and save it up. Today's manna is tomorrow's maggot buffet. The people of God were free to receive from God day after day, but what they received yesterday would not sustain them today. It took a daily pursuit and provision.

Never taught the importance of encountering God dailt through the Bible and prayer, many people who have had a genuine, heartfelt encounter with god have allowed the experience to grow stale..."

What a great analogy! An awesome reminder of how important it is to stay plugged in daily. When we put off reading or praying "until tomorrow" we can rather quickly feel far from God and it isn't always easy to get back on track.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad that you found something that you connected with! :)

Marisa said...

This is so true! One of the things I have really been wondering lately, is that about 1.5 years ago true miraculous things were happening not far from where I am in India. People were being healed from sicknesses, crosses were being seen in the sky, and children were prophesying beautiful things, etc. Even in traditional churches that often close themselves to the true power of the Holy Spirit people were experiencing things they had never seen It was a great revival. Yesterday, I asked someone how did all these things happen recently, and now people here act like it never happened. The person couldn't respond with an answer. My instinct is that many of the people that they view it as that - something that happened not too long ago - and they don't look to live it out in daily life by living for Christ. We really need to continue to yield to God on a daily basis!