Wednesday, December 10, 2008

oh how i love my residents :)

Let me just start by saying that I love my job as an RA. I posted last year at the end of the year on "True Life: I'm an RA" and talked about the year coming to an end and how it all flew by so quickly. Today, as we are approaching closing for the semester, I have many of the same feelings.

For the past few days I have been feeling really out of it (see the "." post I wrote prior to this one). I was unsure of what was causing it but knew that it was extremely frustrating. I spent time praying and thinking and reading but for some reason couldn't shake the feeling. I was foggy. UGHH.

Tonight I am on duty and just did my room inspections for the month. Upon returning to the office, I feel so much better! Interacting and laughing with my residents really seemed to me the cure for my fog.

This was a clear sign that I should NOT leave the RA position at the end of this year. I had been thinking about, not too seriously, but the thought was there. Joanna will be leaving at the end of this year and I will have a lot on my plate next semester, so this seemed like a possible logical option.

After tonight, however, I remember why I started this job in the first place and I realize why when people ask me "Do you like being an RA?" I always answer with "I love it!"

It may be a lot of work and very time consuming, but it is totally worth it. Laughing and joking around with my residents, answering their questions and reflecting on the semester cleared my head tonight and really got me in high spirits.

Oh how I love my residents!


Kristin Zuvich said...

I know EXACTLY, EXACTLY what you mean. The job can be draining, exhausting for an entire semester, and then in one conversation, you forget how draining it was, just from one little laugh with a resident or something.