Tuesday, December 2, 2008

we do not know or understand

But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD;
they do not understand his plan
Micah 4:12

I have two thoughts on this verse that settled in my head and my heart after reading it over a few times:

1-As much as we may try to learn God's plan-- whether it be for ourselves, our friends, the world... whatever-- we just can't. This is the principle that faith is based on but that so many of us can easily lose sight of. He has plans for us that we could never fathom. We are called to steward what we are given, to bless others with the blessings we've been given, to surrender ourselves to His grander plan.

2-We wouldn't know what to do or say or think or feel if He revealed the plan to us. He works in such mysterious and awesome ways that we wouldn't get it. It would be impossible for us to understand how He was going to take something from point A to point B. This is because God is just so good. So merciful, awesome and mighty. His plans for each of us and for His kingdom are more extravagent than we can ever imagine.

Just earlier today I was feeling extremely tired-- not physically but mentally. Things have really been weighing on my mind and my heart and I can't stop thinking about them. Death, war, poverty, injustice... constantly turning over and over in my head asking why why why. I planned on posting about that at the end of the night.

That is until this verse hit me and reminded me-- faith, Chelsea. Lift it up, give it to Him and keep at it. His plans are greater than anything I could ever think up and it will all be resolved when the second advent is here.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with this, there are bigger things than ourselves, there always has been and will be. It is our preparation for such a fate that we control, and nothing more. I hope your spirit isn't overwhelmed a lot. You are beautiful. <3