Monday, May 11, 2009

Holy Ground- Part 5

It is amazing how God lines up different readings and reminders that all have the same theme. I will post more about it later, but this was yet another reminder about leaving my pride behind to do God's work. To set myself apart from the ways of the world-- even though it is so difficult. This is from today's devotional and it spoke straight to my heart:

"Similarly, we have been set apart by God so that we might be devoted to the work of his kingdom. We abstain from certain sinful behaviors, not only to please God, but also to be effective in his service. We withdraw from the ways of the world so that we might bring the kingdom of God to the world. "

The question for reflection asks if I have ever had an experience like Moses where I was sent into the world for God's purpose. I would say the most clear example of this in my life is when I was called to go to Panama. From the first mention of the trip I was all in, because I knew it was something God wanted me to do. I prayed a ton, saved a ton, fought a ton of evil and went on the trip of a lifetime. I was used by God to minister to those I met in Panama. To play with the kids, pray with the adults, weep when some were sad and joke when someone needed a laugh. God helped me to build genuine relationships and to be a part of a team that built a relationship with a local church there. These were the building blocks for future trips and I knew I was sent there with God's purpose.

Lately, I am struggling with separating myself from some of the ways of the world. A few goals I have set for myself I am falling back on and would like to work on my discipline in these areas. I want to text less. It sounds silly, but I believe that it will help me to have a less hurried life. I also want to limit the amount of time I spend checking my email and facebook and blog, etc. I believe that these things will help me to be less hurried and also spend more time in the Word and praying. I need people to hold me accounatble.. anyone in?


Steve said...

i will do my best.