Saturday, May 16, 2009


I sit here after going back and reading my first post. And my second, and a few more between January 27, 2008 (my first day at church) and today, May 16 2009. I am beyond grateful for all of the work God has done in my life. I can't believe that in such a short period of time, He has managed to open up my heart (which was once made of steel although I didnt't let it show) and change me forever.

I reflect on the fact that my posts seem to be more routine lately. They aren't drawn from random inspirations throughout my days but rather from reflection questions from daily devotionals. I miss posting about everyday happenings and the way I see God in my life. Perhaps I need to start opening them and stop assuming that because I have invited God in and allowed Him to change me that I no longer need to keep my eyes open all of them.

I need to break the cycle, look at the beauty and take more than a minute to reflect on it and thank God for it.

Thank you to everyone who has stood by me through my journey, read and commented on my experiences and encouraged me over the past year and a few months. You have all been tremendous players in my walk and I am so thankful.

So let God's love flow and His beauty shine all around. Let us not be too quick to look away and say "oh but of course, I see this everyday". Let us be astonished each and every day by His creation, His workings in other's lives and of course His transformation of our hearts.