Thursday, May 28, 2009

convincing imitations reflection

The daily devotional "Convincing Imitations" really connected with me and speaks about something that I come in contact with often. I have many friends at college and at home that notice the change in me and have questioned me about it. I feel so blessed when they do and I can share my story about God's love with them. But often times I get the "good for you but what I'm doing is working" gist. Not to say that they aren't happy and don't feel peace at the moment. I just wish there was a way for me to tell them... with words about how much more peaceful it could be, how much more loved they would feel... etc. One certain part of the devotional reminded me that I can do this, only not through words:

"Our calling is to bear witness faithfully to God and his saving power. We do this most persuasively, not by turning our staffs into snakes (an imitation that the Egyptians did before Moses to mock what God has previously done), but by living each day as a reflection of God's love and grace."

Each time I come across something like this I remember how important the small things are. I am reminded that when a friend needs a few extra minutes to talk, I need to listen. When there is a sink full of dishes at home, I should do them so my mom doesn't have to. I am reminded that no matter how mundane certain days may seem, each action is a chance to glorify God. A chance to witness to others and win hearts for His kingdom.