Tuesday, May 5, 2009

i love my small group

I haven't been feeling very well lately and today I was saddened by the decision to not host small group. It is one of my favorite parts of the week and I hate to miss it. I also didn't want to cancel it all together just because I wasn't feeling well. I called Brit and she of course said that she would host this week. I let the other members know and a bit later I headed for my bed for a nice nap.

Just as I was dozing off, I heard a paper slide underneath my door. I figured it was a CAB announcement or a note from one of my residents. It was neither of these things. It was a simple card. Written in black pen on a white lined piece of paper.

"Get Well Soon. Chelsea, we all miss you and hope you start feeling better soon. We'll keep you in our prayers! You are amazing, rest up! Love you lots. Brit, Steph, Kate, Marcus."

I started crying because I was so happy to receive such a simple gift. It was such a simple act, but one full of love.